Portal Bridge

Portal Bridge


Portal is a bridge that offers unlimited transfers across chains for tokens and NFTs wrapped by Wormhole. Unlike many other bridges, you avoid double wrapping and never have to retrace your steps.


BNB chainarbitrumauroraavalancheceloethereumfantomklaytnmoonbeamoptimismpolygon

Screens (23)
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Select source network
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Target network
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Wallet options
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Unlock wallet
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Select account
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Connect to account
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Select token to bridge
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Token selected
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Switching network
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Switched to Avalanche
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Select fee payment method
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Ready to transfer
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer details
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Switching network
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Pending transaction
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Transaction confirmed
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer complete
Portal Bridge
swap tokens
Portal Bridge
Portal Bridge