Polygon Bridge

Polygon Bridge


Polygon brings you a trustless two-way transaction channel between Polygon and Ethereum by introducing the cross-chain bridge with Plasma and PoS security.



Screens (54)
Polygon Bridge
connect wallet
Wallet options
Polygon Bridge
connect wallet
Unlock wallet
Polygon Bridge
connect wallet
Select account
Polygon Bridge
connect wallet
Connect to account
Polygon Bridge
connect wallet
Polygon Bridge
connect wallet
Network options
Polygon Bridge
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Polygon Bridge
Account details
Polygon Bridge
Try testnet
Polygon Bridge
Polygon Bridge
On Ramp Payments
Polygon Bridge
Initial state
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Select token
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Select token
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Warning message
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer details
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Review transfer
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Pending transaction
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirm the deposit
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Pending transaction
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer en route
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
My position
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Initial state
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Changed order
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Review details
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Pending transaction
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transaction not mined
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Swap for Gas Token
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Signature request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Initiate transfer
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Signature request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transaction complete
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
My position
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Withdraw from Polygon
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Please note
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer overview
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Review Transfer
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer in progress
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Challenge period completed
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Confirmation request
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Pending transaction
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens
Transfer completed
Polygon Bridge
swap tokens